Speckled coffee egg cookies

I can't believe that 6 years ago I shared a tutorial on how to decorate a speckled egg cookie, it really seems like yesterday when I made those cookies for the first time. 

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I really enjoyed making those cookies and few weeks ago, when I went shopping one of my cage free eggs reminded me of those cookies I made, and I thought about making a video this time.

galletas de Pascua ,specked egg cookies ideas, Easter cookies ideas, Easter eggs, Easter eggs cookies, how to make speckled eggs cookies, cookie decorating blogs, cookie decorating ideas, best Easter cookies,

This cookie is super easy and it will have a unique taste but still  will be really yummy. 

For this cookie you will need:

* Egg cookie cutter
* Magic consistency royal icing
* Turquoise food gel color
* Coffee extract (homemade or  brand name)
* Water 
* Brush


1) Mix 2 tbsps of water with 1/4 tsp of coffee extract.

galletas de Pascua ,specked egg cookies ideas, Easter cookies ideas, Easter eggs, Easter eggs cookies, how to make speckled eggs cookies, cookie decorating blogs, cookie decorating ideas, best Easter cookies,

galletas de Pascua ,specked egg cookies ideas, Easter cookies ideas, Easter eggs, Easter eggs cookies, how to make speckled eggs cookies, cookie decorating blogs, cookie decorating ideas, best Easter cookies,

2) Cut and bake your cookies and let them cool.

3) Prepare your magic royal icing consistency and add a tiny drop of turquoise food gel color. 

4) Cover the egg cookie with the icing and let it dry

5) Dip the brush in the coffee extract and then flick the brush bristles and let the coffee droplets fall on the cookies and let dry! 

galletas de Pascua ,specked egg cookies ideas, Easter cookies ideas, Easter eggs, Easter eggs cookies, how to make speckled eggs cookies, cookie decorating blogs, cookie decorating ideas, best Easter cookies,

These cookies are really simple to do, your kids can help you and they will have fun making them.

galletas de Pascua ,specked egg cookies ideas, Easter cookies ideas, Easter eggs, Easter eggs cookies, how to make speckled eggs cookies, cookie decorating blogs, cookie decorating ideas, best Easter cookies,

galletas de Pascua ,specked egg cookies ideas, Easter cookies ideas, Easter eggs, Easter eggs cookies, how to make speckled eggs cookies, cookie decorating blogs, cookie decorating ideas, best Easter cookies,

You can substitute the coffee extract with a mix of water and brown food gel color. 

I hope you will have a very happy Easter with your family, this will not be a traditional Easter for many, but I am sending you all my Love and Hope!