Wisdom teeth cookies to comfort your sweet tooth

I made these cookies for my daughter's friend, they are so easy and fun to do.  If someone in your family have had their wisdom tooth out and has been under the effects of the anestesia you  know how silly they are...their eyes are all over the place, big cheeks, they said that they feel a…

How to make Mexican rice

In my family when someone single is able to cook rice to perfection they say you are ready to get married.  It is a very easy recipe, but you need a little bit of experience  to make it right all the time, and off course my mom is an expertise in Mexican Red rice....White rice.....Green rice.....…

Galleta decorada con macarrones franceses

Ustedes saben como me encantan los macarrones y aquí les comparto como decore una galleta con un  macarrón, esta técnica la puedes hacer para hacer cualquier dibujo que te guste. Para esto necesitaras: *  Receta infalible para masa de galletas *  Cortador en form…